Created By: Monklin

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Survey Says All.

Is there​ someo​ne you know you shoul​d hate,​​ but you can'​​t?


Is it sad that I care?

Is it sad that I care...

- about someone I don't even know?

- about someone who doesn't even like me as a person?

- about someone who's so shallow?

I hate this.


I have been a world apart
Stuck in between time
Head into the ground I'm found
Falling through fault lines
I feel see through
Can you see through me?
Could I change one thing?
Could I change your mind?

Blaqk Audio

Friday, October 24, 2008

Just My Luck.

I got sick a week before Halloween.
And my period will come soon.
Nuff said.
[I missed school today, I should've gone.]

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I'm stuck in between time.

Computer's back.
I received a postcard from Turkey.
These next four weeks are going to be good.
Practice tomorrow.
Then wrestling.
Oh yesh!
[P.S. I'm addicted to the Phantom Hourglass.]

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Technology Sucks.


Computer still down.

Monday, October 13, 2008

I rather be alone.

Why does everything have to be your way or no way?
Fuck this.
Fuck technology.
Fuck Autumn.

I believe it’s time to...


Something I haven't done in a long while.

This music is inspiring.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

And I'm Drifting Into Space.

And it's hard to explain.
But the time is circling the moon.
Then suddenly,
the light goes out
and we're in the middle of the street
watching the moon fade away once again.
There is no canopy of stars till after midnight.

Monday, October 6, 2008

I Miss the Old Days

..when my dad would put on the bedsheets for me after they've been washed.
Now I have to do it myself.

Damn, this sucks.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

I wish..

we never crossed paths, Autumn.
I can't handle being in the same place with you.
I can't stand the sight of you anymore.
I can't stop having feelings towards you.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

I was Walking on Water

But then I was only half a centimeter deep.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

This City is Haunted

I've been having a harder time telling the difference
between dreams and reality.
And somehow,
it's starting to scare me a bit.
First I find myself starring at the ceiling trying to fall asleep,
and the next thing I knowI'm jumping off of the tops of buildings.
For example,
today I had a dream about Autumn.
We, not completely.
I was at home bored to death,
so I decided to break into my class's lab.
and take all the chemicals to make bombs.
The next thing I know,
some drug gang was running after me
trying to get me to surrender the acid.
I ran into a building and climbed all the way to the top.
Once I reached the top of the building,
I just jumped off.
For a while I was free-falling
then all of a sudden I looked up and I was flying.
I landed on another building.
I open a door and there was this beach.
I felt like I've been there before.
Somehow, I knew someone was there watching me.
I walked towards the ocean and into the water.
Then there was this path going straight into the horizon.
It was elevated above the water
and just kept getting higher and higher.
I walked down the path.
Another road came into view
and somehow became one path with mine.
Autumn started walking next to me.
Then somehow,we were above the atmosphere.
We just kept walking
and never met eye-to-eye
or even faced each other.
But we knew why we were walking together.
[But don't ask, cause in a sense...I cannot explain.]
Finally after passing planets upon planets
and stars upon stars,
we stopped.
The road split into two paths again.
He needed to go leftand I needed to go right.
He gave me a hug
and I knew why we had to separate.
So I just walked on
and on the side
there was an orchestra.
This violin player walked with me
and kept speaking to me.
I did not understand what he was saying.
I just nodded.
Then the path went straight down like slide.
I looked at the violin player.
He smiled and said,
"Follow me! Come on!"
And he jumps down the path.
I closed my eyes and jumped down.
I woke up with a jolt.
The emotions felt so real.
Everything was so real.
Then I close my eyes and I find myself
sitting on the ground with Percy while reading my comic.
I closed my eyes again
and I was talking to Gabi during lunch.
I just remember flashes of certain things.
Is something wrong?