Created By: Monklin

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Pans and Fauns

I had this dream that I had met the devil.. Normally you'd think this would've been a scary dream, but not at all really. I was in this building. Windows everywhere, good lighting, but was filled with water. Half the time I was in that building, I was swimming. There were people that I knew. Maybe it was a party. I knew it had to deal with Gabi somehow, but details are blurry at the moment. Anyways, I started seeing pans/fauns walking around the water playing music. (yes, of course with Pan flutes and such.) I started walking away from the "party" and towards the fauns. There was this one faun, beautiful creature it was.. telling me to choose wisely. I kept walking. I started seeing these humanoids with horns like rams all in different colours. The room started bursting with such beauty. Trees were growing..grass started to grow. Flowers with these amazing colours started to spourt. I reached the end of the building..the Devil was sitting there before me on his thrown. I felt this attraction towards him..he was beautiful. But I tried blocking my mind from this. He started talking to me. Telling me to join him, to sit at his side. He embraced me. He gave me a choice between him and my current life. I pulled away. I told him, even if my life isn't perfect and could be horrible at times, I didn't mind it at all. I loved my life and I would never give it up. He asked me to reassure him.. for me to look him in the eyes and tell him. I did. I started walking back. The fauns and the humanoids gathered together and followed me back to the beginning of the building. I opened the front door and walked into a bright white light. It was nothing holy, but it was nothing evil.
What did my dream mean?