Created By: Monklin

Monday, September 27, 2010


I forgot to post last week. I'll admit it.. I am forgetful, but let's not forget, I'm still human! Anyways, I'm having a hard time remembering last week.

- was able to do my prints for class and extra prints.
- attended another Kappa Pi meeting on Friday.
- went out with my family for dinner on Friday.
- dragged Alex out to take pictures with me Saturday and Sunday.
- have been having terrible nightmares.

That's all I can remember so far.

Today was a good day in a sense that there was an amazing cold front this morning.

I got to develop my film today. Wednesday I make prints. Sadly, I didn't get a silhouette.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


So, last week I had mentioned that I was cut open again. Well, I missed about three days of school and worried that I would fall behind. I would've gone to class, but I was under so much medication that I couldn't even get up from my bed. This week I returned to all my classes and found out that they really didn't do much. I was able to catch up quickly and get ahead. I was sad for a while because I missed my Photography last week when we were going to do prints from our negatives for the first time. Mr. Johnson (my photography teacher) replied back to my e-mail and told me what I had missed and told me that he assigned for us to take more pictures by using the blurring/panning/freezing techniques. All weekend I forgot about it, then remembered on Sunday and got unbelievably worried. I didn't want to get more behind, so Monday morning I went to school early bought three films and tried taking some shots. I couldn't get any good ones at school, so I decided to ditch Yoga and picked up my friend Gabi to go take pictures with me at the park. Luckily, I was able to arrive at school on time and I was able to develop my film. I was happy that I was able to get some decent shots. I was only able to do my contact sheets and no prints, so I was excited for Wednesday.

Thursday sucked. Design I was alright, but Biology was just absolutely horrible.

Yesterday, I had an absolutely fantastic day. For some reason, I just woke up in the best mood of my life. The night before I was stressing out on a presentation because I had to put it together for my group and one of them didn't send me their information because they wrote my e-mail down wrong. Luckily, that morning I checked my e-mail and it was there. She had done her own slide for our PowerPoint so I was able to just insert it without any problems. Then Yoga was pretty much fun! It's a lot of work and movement, but it's totally fantastic. Right now I don't have much upper body strength than I do lower body, so I just have to really work on that. Then Photography was just ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. I was finally able to make three prints of my panning/blurring/freezing assignment. I was actually working faster than the other students. I would've been able to do five prints, but it was my first time making prints. I had a slow start because he made me start off with contrasting, burning, and dodging, instead of just printing. But I must say, it was pretty fun. My teacher saw me working hard and told me that I could take a break. I laughed and told him that I was having too much fun to stop. He told me that maybe photography could be my calling. And you know what? I think so, too.

Today was an okay day, I can't complain much. Design I went by pretty fast, so it was good. There was a Kappa Pi meeting two hours after I got out of class, so I picked up my friend Gabi and went to eat at Taco Bell with her.

Anyways, here's the three prints I made yesterday:

Friday, September 10, 2010


I'm feeling really down at the moment and I've been trying to cheer myself up. I hate being so shy. It's unbelievably hard for me to even speak up some times. Maybe I'm just too scared of being judged.

Anyways, I went to the doctor again this past week. They had to cut me open again, but this time they REALLY injected me with medication to numb me. Only reason they did so was because I got an anxiety attack and started to cry in front of the doctor. Being cut open hurts like hell. My pain level is low. I even go crazy when people tug at my hair. I'm really sensitive to things.

I have a crush on someone and I hate it.

I really need to find closure.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

New Beginnings

Apparently, there was a fire at my college yesterday. One of the art majors I know posted on Facebook that our art gallery caught fire. They were thinking that lightning hit it. It's so unbelievably! And we barely opened the gallery three days ago for the student art show. I hope the gallery can be salvaged. At least the artwork was supposedly saved, so that's good news.

On Thursday I went to a Kappa Pi (art ferturnity) meeting and decided to join! I've had class with most of the people who are in it, so it isn't so bad. Yesterday, Mr. Short held a meeting for the art majors but only a few people went. It was okay.

I'm slowly stepping out of my comfort zone and trying to do new things. Hopefully I will go get the guts to go apply for a job.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

I Thank My Lucky Stars I Found You.

College has been good to me. The second week of school went well. So far, I've gotten a great critic from one of my teachers on a collage I did (view below), learned how to use my Single Lens Reflex camera, and have been up to date with my homework. The only classes that I don't like are my actual academic classes, speech and biology. Luckily, I'm taking those online so it's better than attending a boring speech.

So, today was the LCC Student Art Show! My mom ended up going and I met up with her after class. She saw my horrid still life and liked it. I honestly hated my piece. For one thing, it's just a still life. Also, it really doesn't show any artistic freedom like all the other pieces of art that were there. Nevertheless, I was glad to be a part of it. I guess you could say that I had a shining moment.. my 15 minutes of fame. Anyways, I'm off to bed now. Here's a picture of my horrid piece at the show.

P.S. I have Tom Waits "Closing Time" album in my head. Especially the song "Little Trip to Heaven".