Created By: Monklin

Thursday, September 16, 2010


So, last week I had mentioned that I was cut open again. Well, I missed about three days of school and worried that I would fall behind. I would've gone to class, but I was under so much medication that I couldn't even get up from my bed. This week I returned to all my classes and found out that they really didn't do much. I was able to catch up quickly and get ahead. I was sad for a while because I missed my Photography last week when we were going to do prints from our negatives for the first time. Mr. Johnson (my photography teacher) replied back to my e-mail and told me what I had missed and told me that he assigned for us to take more pictures by using the blurring/panning/freezing techniques. All weekend I forgot about it, then remembered on Sunday and got unbelievably worried. I didn't want to get more behind, so Monday morning I went to school early bought three films and tried taking some shots. I couldn't get any good ones at school, so I decided to ditch Yoga and picked up my friend Gabi to go take pictures with me at the park. Luckily, I was able to arrive at school on time and I was able to develop my film. I was happy that I was able to get some decent shots. I was only able to do my contact sheets and no prints, so I was excited for Wednesday.

Thursday sucked. Design I was alright, but Biology was just absolutely horrible.

Yesterday, I had an absolutely fantastic day. For some reason, I just woke up in the best mood of my life. The night before I was stressing out on a presentation because I had to put it together for my group and one of them didn't send me their information because they wrote my e-mail down wrong. Luckily, that morning I checked my e-mail and it was there. She had done her own slide for our PowerPoint so I was able to just insert it without any problems. Then Yoga was pretty much fun! It's a lot of work and movement, but it's totally fantastic. Right now I don't have much upper body strength than I do lower body, so I just have to really work on that. Then Photography was just ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. I was finally able to make three prints of my panning/blurring/freezing assignment. I was actually working faster than the other students. I would've been able to do five prints, but it was my first time making prints. I had a slow start because he made me start off with contrasting, burning, and dodging, instead of just printing. But I must say, it was pretty fun. My teacher saw me working hard and told me that I could take a break. I laughed and told him that I was having too much fun to stop. He told me that maybe photography could be my calling. And you know what? I think so, too.

Today was an okay day, I can't complain much. Design I went by pretty fast, so it was good. There was a Kappa Pi meeting two hours after I got out of class, so I picked up my friend Gabi and went to eat at Taco Bell with her.

Anyways, here's the three prints I made yesterday:

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