Created By: Monklin

Saturday, September 4, 2010

New Beginnings

Apparently, there was a fire at my college yesterday. One of the art majors I know posted on Facebook that our art gallery caught fire. They were thinking that lightning hit it. It's so unbelievably! And we barely opened the gallery three days ago for the student art show. I hope the gallery can be salvaged. At least the artwork was supposedly saved, so that's good news.

On Thursday I went to a Kappa Pi (art ferturnity) meeting and decided to join! I've had class with most of the people who are in it, so it isn't so bad. Yesterday, Mr. Short held a meeting for the art majors but only a few people went. It was okay.

I'm slowly stepping out of my comfort zone and trying to do new things. Hopefully I will go get the guts to go apply for a job.

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